Comparison of ANN and BNN


1) Speed :

The cycle time of execution in ANN is of few nanoseconds(10^-9). While in BNN, it is a few milliseconds(10^-3).

2) Size and Complexity :

The total number of neurons in the brain is approximate 10¹¹. And the total number of interconnections is 10¹⁵. The size and complexity of ANN are much lesser, and it depends on the application.

3) Storage capacity or Memory :

The information of the neural network is stored in the interconnections. So, the Storage capacity of BNN is much better than ANN. But ANN is more adaptable.

4) Tolerance :

Fault tolerance of BNN is more, as they have a large number of neurons and interconnection.

If some part of interconnection stop functioning in BNN, then it has multiple interconnections through which impulse will pass and give an output of higher accuracy. But in ANN, due to fewer interconnections, the output will have less accuracy.

5) Control Mechanism:

In BNN, the control mechanism is under chemical process or electrical potential. In ANN, only mathematical operations involve as a control mechanism. So control mechanism is complex in BNN as compared to ANN.


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