How to use Rapid API in React?

Rapid API

In this article, we’ll see how to use Rapid APIs and map data in tabular form. So let’s first see about Rapid API.

What is Rapid API?

Rapid API, the world’s largest API marketplace, is used by over three million developers to find, test, and connect to thousands of APIs — all with a single account.
For more details, visit Rapid API

Step 1:

Visit and Signup with all the details to access the API.
For this project, I have used Car Data API. You can choose whichever you want.
After selecting API, Click on Subscribe to test and select a free plan.


After that, you can Test the endpoint.

Step 2:

Now we’ll move towards the Coding part.
Here is the folder structure:

Folder structure

create react app using command

npx create-react-app folder-name

You can Create a Header and Footer of your choice or, for a header and, Footer refer to my GitHub Repository.

Step 3:

Create table.js and DataTable.js files inside the component folder.

install axios module using npm or yarn as follows:
npm install axios
yarn add axios

step 4:

Inside the table.js file,
Create a constructor and pass props and add a state for data as an empty array. Now go to Car data of Rapid API and under the code snippet section select Node.js Axios. Then copy the code snippet and paste it inside the componentDidMount function in the table.js file.

Create a DataTable Component inside the Datatable.js file for mapping data into tabular form. Then import the DataTable component in table.js. Create a table using bootstrap and map data from API using props as shown in the Code.

Step 5:

Run yarn start or npm start in the command folder. And you will see the data. That’s all and you have successfully used Rapid API in your application.

You can refer to my GitHub repository.

Thanks for reading!


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