Folder Structure - Angular Application (Using Angular cLI)


1) Node_modules
Includes required npm packages for the projects.
2) .browserslistrc
Configures sharing of target browsers and Node.js versions among various front-end tools.
3) .editorconfig
Configurations for code editors
4) ,gitignore
Includes files that git should ignore
5) angular.json
includes configuration options for build, serve, and test tools that the CLI uses.
6) karma.conf.js
karma configuration
7) package-lock.json
Provides version information for all packages installed into node_modules.
Introductory document
It is a typescript configuration. It includes typescript and angular template compiler option.
10) tsconfig.json
Base typescript configuration document.
11) tsconfig.spec.josn
Typescript configuration for application test.

1) app/
It contains component files
2) assets/
It contains images and other assets.
3) environment
It contains build configuration options for particular target environment.
4) favicon.ico
It is an icon used in application
5) index.html
The main HTML page that is served when someone visits your site.
6) main.ts
Main entry point for your application
7) polyfills.ts
Provides polyfill scripts for browser support.
8) styles.css
CSS file that supply styles for a project.
9) test.ts
The main entry point for your unit tests.

1) app.component.ts
Defines the logic for the application's root component, named AppComponent.
2) app.component.html
Defines the HTML template associated with the root AppComponent.
3) app.component.css
Base CSS stylesheet for the root appComponent.
4) app.component.spec.ts
Unit tsets for the root appComponent.
5) app.module.ts
Root component


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