Vocalize Campaign : India Edition - By Google Crowdsource


What is Vocalize campaign:

In order to support products that you can talk to, that effortlessly comprehend you, and that can converse with you in the most natural way, the Google Speech team develops platforms and technology. The Vocalize campaign is made to make it easier for you to support this cause and give your language a voice in AI! Your contributions will benefit customers worldwide of Google products like Maps, Translate, Assistant, and accessibility services.

Who can Participate?

1) Android users (Since this task is available only on the crowdsource app on the Play store). 

2) Anyone who speaks any of the following languages -
  • Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu or English (India) language. 
3) Anyone who is at least 18 years of age.

How to Participate?

Sign up for the campaign by filling this form - Vocalize_Campaign_Link
(Note: Sign up using email address associated with crowdsource app).

  • Contribute to the Audio Validation task on the Crowdsource app across a period of one month (November 1, 2022, to November 30, 2022).

How to Contribute?
  • Listen to a short machine-generated audio clip and use your best judgment to determine if this is how you would pronounce it in the language you are contributing to (Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu or English [India]) –
    - Choose “Yes” - If the pronunciation sounds natural and correct
    Choose “No” - If the pronunciation sounds unnatural or incorrect to you
    - Choose “Unsure” - If you're not familiar with the word or don't know how to pronounce it
    - Choose “Skip” - If you don’t feel confident giving the answer
  • Please ignore spelling errors in the prompts (if any).
  • [Important Note] Please carefully listen to the pronunciation and let us know if it sounds correct – we only want a “Yes” rating if something is truly 100% correct! Your honest and candid responses will help us improve our speech recognition models.

What will you receive?

All of the winners receive various prizes form Google crowdsource, such as bags, t-shirts, and bottles


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